§ 1 General provisions
1. These regulations established by GVT-Studio sp. Z o.o. based in Warsaw, pursuant to art. 8 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws 2020.344.t.j.) specifies:
a) types and scope of services provided electronically;
b) conditions for the provision of services by electronic means;
c) conditions for concluding and terminating contracts for the provision of electronic services;
d) the complaint procedure.
2. Definitions:
a) electronic address - designation of the ICT system that enables communication by means of electronic communication;
b) digital product - a photo placed on the website;
c) GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection) (Journal of Laws UE L 119 of 4.05.2016, p. 1);
d) website - websites in the domain www.gooddance.pro;
e) website - www.gooddance.pro;
f) recipient - a natural person, a natural person running a business, a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, for which special provisions grant legal capacity, using the services provided electronically by the service provider;
g) service provider - GVT-Studio sp.z o.o. with headquarters in Warsaw (00-789), ul. Humańska 8, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS: 0000859002, NIP: 5213906454, REGON: 386982099, website: www.gooddance.pro, e-mail address: gooddance.pro@gmail.com, telephone number: +48791477005, represented by the president of the board, Vasil Kucharavy.
§ 2 Types and scope of services provided electronically
The service provider offers the following services:
a) access to publicly available content on the website www.gooddance.pro (possibility for service users to view the materials posted on the website www.gooddance.pro);
b) services for the sale of digital products;
c) account maintenance and access.
§ 3 Services for the sale of digital products
1. Services for the sale of digital products consist in enabling the recipient to place orders for digital products of the service provider, make payments and provide digital products by the service provider.
2. In order to place an order on the website, the recipient should take the following steps:
a) find your tournament;
b) press the green button "PHOTOS";
c) select photos. The recipient has two options for selecting photos. The first option is to select photos from the categories in the list. The second option is when the recipient knows the numbers of his photos. The customer should then enter these numbers through a space in the "Search for photos" field and press the blue "Search" button. After that, all photos will be automatically displayed on the screen.
In order to open the photo, the customer should click on the thumbnail. To go back to the thumbnails, press next to the photo.
d) add photos to the basket by clicking the green button "Add to basket". The Service Recipient may remove photos from the basket in the upper left corner of the screen by clicking on the green "Remove from basket" button under the photo;
e) place an order. Press the green button "Place order";
f) register on the website. For this purpose, the service recipient should click "Registration", fill in "Name", "E-mail", "Telephone number" and create and remember the "Password";
g) make the payment. For this purpose, the service recipient should press the green button "Pay", after which he will be redirected to the website of the payment system that operates the website. The payment system provides all security measures and data protection. The customer should enter the card number, expiry date, code and e-mail address. To complete the payment, press the yellow button "Pay". After clicking the yellow button "Back to shop", the service recipient will be redirected to the main page of the website.
3. In order to download the ordered photos, perform the following steps:
a) click on the e-mail address of the service recipient, which is located in the upper right corner of the main page of the website;
b) select "My Orders";
c) click on the blue button "details…";
d) click on the green button "Download all photos in zip archive".
4. In addition, the service provider will send processed photos to the recipient's e-mail address within 1 to 3 days (processing includes cropping, tonal and color correction).
§ 4 Service recipient
1. In order to purchase a digital product, the customer is obliged to place an order and make a payment.
2. The Service Recipient may order digital products on the website www.gooddance.pro at any time.
3. The customer may download the digital product only after placing the order and making the payment. The Service Recipient may make a payment using one of the methods made available in the system organized by PayPro S.A. with headquarters in Poznań at ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, KRS: 0000347935, NIP: 7792369887, REGON: 301345068: transfer, BLIK, payment card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPo, wallet: PayPal, Skrill, YetiPay, SkyCash.
4. The order fulfillment time depends on the availability of the archive and ranges from one minute to 24 hours.
5. The Service Provider provides photos on the website only in digital format (JPEG).
6. The Service Recipient has the right to cancel his order until the payment is made.
7. The Service Recipient may download the paid order from his personal account 5 minutes after payment. All orders of the service recipient are available on his personal account. Orders are available only to the recipient.
8. All digital products in the gallery on the website www.gooddance.pro are not processed. After payment, the framing and processing of the digital products will be performed.
9. The Service Provider reserves that all digital products available on the website are protected, in particular, by the provisions of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws 2021.1062, i.e.). All digital products are licensed individually for personal use. Copying, reproduction, distribution and other forms of using digital products placed on the website without the prior written consent of the service provider or exceeding the limits permitted by law are prohibited. The use of digital products for commercial purposes must be agreed with the service provider and confirmed with a commercial license.
10. The Service Recipient may contact the service provider by phone: +48 692 162 478 or in the form of electronic correspondence: gooddance.pro@gmail.com. The charge for a minute of connection is in line with the tariff plan for calls to other mobile networks in Poland. The service provider will contact the recipient in the near future.
§ 5 Terms of the provision of services
1. Technical requirements necessary to use the services:
a) for computers:
- minimum processor clock frequency - 1 GHz, minimum RAM memory capacity - 256 MB, minimum screen resolution - 1024 × 768;
- operating systems: Microsoft Windows 7 32/64-bit, Microsoft Windows 8 32/64-bit, Microsoft Windows 8.1 32/64-bit; Microsoft Windows 10 32/64-bit, Apple OS X 10.7 and newer, Ubuntu 13.04 and newer;
- browsers: Google Chrome 66.0 and newer, Mozilla Firefox 59.0 and newer, Apple Safari 8.0 and newer (for OS X), Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0, Microsoft Edge 25.0 and newer, Opera 45.0 and newer, Yandex Browser 18.3.1 and newer, Safari 10.01.
b) for mobile devices:
- minimum processor clock frequency - 1 GHz, minimum RAM memory capacity - 256 MB, minimum screen resolution - 1136 × 640;
- operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows 10 Mobile.
2. In the event that the recipient uses hardware and software that does not meet the technical requirements referred to in para. 1, the service provider does not guarantee the proper functioning of the website and stipulates that this may have a negative impact on the quality of the services provided.
3. It is forbidden for the recipient to provide illegal or offensive content, as well as to take actions that may cause disruptions or damage to the website.

§ 6 Conditions for concluding and terminating contracts for the provision of electronic services
1. These regulations constitute an integral part of the contracts for the provision of electronic services concluded by the service provider with the recipient.
2. The contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded when the recipient starts using the given service.
3. These regulations are available on the website www.gooddance.pro.
4. Using the website www.gooddance.pro by the service recipient is tantamount to reading the content of these regulations and accepting its provisions.
5. The service provider makes the regulations available to the service recipient free of charge before concluding the contract for the provision of electronic services, and also, at his request, in a way that allows the content of the regulations to be obtained, reproduced and recorded by means of the ICT system used by the recipient.
6. Recipients have the option of terminating the use of the service provided electronically at any time, as well as interrupting the ordering process until the green button "Pay" is clicked. The Service Recipient may terminate the use of the running service
§ 7 Complaints procedure
1. Complaints about services may be submitted by the service recipient to the service provider's e-mail (gooddance.pro@gmail.com).
2. A properly submitted complaint should contain at least the following data:
a) name, surname or name and e-mail address of the advertiser;
b) precise specification of the subject of the complaint together with the justification of the claim.
3. Unless the mandatory provisions of law provide otherwise, the service recipient may file a complaint within 14 days from the date of the event giving rise to the complaint.
4. A complaint submitted after the deadline referred to in sec. 3 is left without examination, of which the advertiser is immediately notified.
5. Complaints will be considered within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint by the service provider.
6. If the service provider has not responded to the complaint within 30 days of its receipt, it is deemed to have accepted the complaint.
7. The service recipient will be informed about the decision of the service provider in the form of an e-mail sent to the e-mail address provided when submitting the complaint.
§ 8 Personal data protection
1. The service provider may process the following personal data of the service recipient necessary to establish, shape the content, change or terminate the legal relationship between them:
a) name and surname, name of the recipient;
b) the recipient's telephone number;
c) the e-mail address of the recipient.
2. The administrator of the provided personal data is GVT-Studio sp.z o.o. with headquarters in Warsaw (00-789), ul. Umanska 8.
3. Personal data is processed in accordance with:
a) Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR - in connection with the performance of the contract for the provision of services by the service provider to which the recipient is a party or taking action at the request of the service recipient, before concluding this contract;
b) art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR - in connection with the implementation of the objectives resulting from the legitimate interests of the data controller, in particular in connection with making contact, resolving comments submitted to him, as well as investigating and defending claims.
4. Personal data is stored for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of processing, for the duration of the service and for the purpose of establishing, pursuing or defending claims and protecting against claims.
5. The collected personal data will not be made available to third parties, except for entities authorized under the law.
6. Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to provide services in the field of selling digital products and keeping and accessing the account. Failure to provide data results in the inability to provide services in the above-mentioned range.
7. Recipients have the right to request the data controller to access personal data, rectify it, delete it or limit its processing, and object to data processing.
8. If the service recipient believes that the processing of personal data by the administrator is unlawful, he has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body - the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
§ 9 Responsibility
1. The Service Provider declares that he makes every effort to ensure the safe provision of services by electronic means.
2. The Service Provider shall not be liable for interruptions in the provision of services resulting from failures or malfunctions of ICT systems beyond the control of the Service Provider.
3. The service provider shall not be liable for damages caused by the actions or omissions of the service recipient, in particular improper use of services or the use of services in a manner inconsistent with generally applicable law or regulations.
4. The service provider is not responsible for data loss caused by external factors (eg software, hardware, links, etc.) or other circumstances beyond the control of the service provider.
5. The Service Recipient is responsible for the content and content of messages sent via the services provided to him.
6. The Service Recipient is responsible for actions taken after authentication in the services made available to him using his login data (login and password).
§ 10 Final provisions
1. The Service Recipient who is a consumer may use extrajudicial means of dealing with complaints and redress. The rules of access to these procedures are available at the offices and on the websites of poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Voivodeship Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
2. In the case of service recipients who are not consumers, the court competent to settle disputes related to the regulations is the court competent for the seat of the service provider.
3. The Service Provider reserves the right to introduce changes to the regulations without giving reasons and without prior notice to the recipient of the planned changes.
4. The service recipient shall be informed about changes to the binding regulations by publishing their list and the current version of the regulations on the website.
5. The service recipient's continued use of the services after receiving information about changes to the regulations shall be deemed acceptance of the new wording of the regulations.
6. The cessation of using the services by the service recipient after receiving information about changes in the regulations will be considered a refusal to accept the new wording of the regulations and thus resignation from using the services provided on its basis.
7. These Regulations shall enter into force on 23.09.2021
8. In matters not covered by these regulations, the provisions of Polish law shall apply.